Deus da xxx

Hello! This is an account made to post about fictional woman, if you want to make any submission, please send the woman in the DMs or via CC!

The mod uses they/them pronouns, if you have none suggestion, feel free to still talk to the account!

English is not my first language, so if i mispronounce something, please correct me!

As said previously, send suggestions via DM or CC, with the source material and the pronouns of the character

Your suggestion will not be posted if:
It's a real woman ( Obviously ) ( Live action characters are ok )Character is canonically depicted as a man (Trans coded characters such as Chihiro Fujisaki will be analyzed before being approved or not)You don't post the source material or the pronouns
I would also really appreciate if you included the TWs of problematic sources!

Basic DNI criteria (racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc)

NSFW account
Anti mogai

Keep in mind that the mod is allowed to block you if they don't feel comfortable